About United Soccer

Alliance of Indiana

Our Mission:

USA of Indiana’s mission is youth development, and we teach our children more than just the game.  USA of Indiana strives to develop fine young men and women through soccer in a positive learning environment.  USA of Indiana is not about winning or entertainment.  It is about LEARNING and EDUCATING.  Winning and success come as a result of preparation, training, and the learning process - which is how we define true success for our children.

At USA of Indiana, “We Teach More Than Just the Game.”

‍RESPECT:   Have respect for oneself, teammates, opponents, coaches, referees.  Hold  each other accountable.Promote teamwork.

ETHICS:   Do the right thing, the right way, at the right time, for the right reasons. Hold ourselves to the highest standards.

CHARACTER: Develop fine young men and women, one child at a time.  Develop Self-Confidence.  Strive for personal best.  Honor, commitment, and responsibility.

COMMUNITY: Develop community through youth sport.  Embrace diversity, inclusiveness and volunteerism.

Our Values:

Teach:  Develop fine young men and women, one child at a time.

Ethics:  Do the right thing, the right way, at the right time, for the right reasons.

Accountability: Hold each other accountable to strive for personal development.

Community: Develop Community Through Youth Sport.  Embrace diversity, inclusiveness, volunteerism, and citizenship.

Honor: Respect for self, teammates, opponents, coaches, referees.

Our Programming:

USA of Indiana provides the optimum soccer experience for families, coaches, and Central Indiana youth.  The club offers a wide range of programs led by full and part-time professional management, in cooperation with paid and volunteer support staff. This model reinforces our commitment to develop programming and improve member experience.  USA of Indiana provides children the opportunity to play soccer or referee at multiple skill and commitment levels while striving to continuously improve the quality of coaching and enhance the overall soccer experience for each player. 

USA of Indiana is one of the largest youth soccer clubs in Indiana, owned and powered by an all-volunteer army of Soccer Moms, Soccer Dads, and other community leaders.  It is a member in good standing and sanctioned by Indiana Soccer Association, U.S. Youth Soccer, U.S. Soccer, U.S. Club Soccer, and FIFA, the world-wide governing body of football.  The club serves 3000 players annually in Hendricks County, Marion County and surrounding communities and operates 100 soccer fields in six different formats of play (size) at four soccer complexes.  USA of Indiana provides a positive youth development experience, and players of all ages and competition levels wear the USA of Indiana jersey with pride.

Community Based Recreational Programs

USA of Indiana operates its broad-based community recreational soccer programs for youth ages 3 to 19 in Avon, Brownsburg, and Indianapolis Pike Township each fall and spring. Players may choose to register and participate in fall or spring or both seasons. The Pike Youth Soccer Club community recreation program is a 30+ year partner of Indy Parks operating in several facilities including Mary & John Geisse Soccer Complex, Eagle Creek Park, and Northwestway Park.  The Avon and Brownsburg community recreation program is owned and operated by USA of Indiana with teams participating at the Avon Soccer Complex and Brownsburg Soccer Complex.

Visit our Recreation Page under the Programs Tab above.

Competitive Travel Program

The USA of Indiana competitive travel soccer program fields age-based, gender-specific teams at a variety of levels of play for youth ages 7 to 19. Teams play in the league best-suited for the team, including Indiana Soccer League, and the Midwest Regional League. Most games are played in and around Indianapolis. Teams form annually each June for the Fall to Spring soccer year.  Supplemental Tryouts may be held for players unable to attend June tryouts (players new to the area), as roster space permits.  Supplemental Tryouts are also held in October for the High School teams (15U-19U) who play a spring-only season.

Visit our Travel Page under the Programs Tab above.

Our Programs

Click on the programs below to find out more and register!

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