Donate & Sponsorship

Donate Now & Ask About Sponsorship

Change a child’s life, sponsor or donate to United Soccer Alliance for Tuition Assistance Fund, New Fields, or General Fund. ‍
Sponsorship Rate card.

USA of Indiana tax exempt   USA of Indiana 501c3 letter.

Support materials on today's needs for donations and sponsorships HERE.

Three easy ways to donate now to United Soccer Alliance of Indiana (501c3) Tuition Assistance Fund, New Fields, or General Fund.

  1. Donate securely with credit card via Square Up. Click here to donate any amount for children in need to play soccer in the park.
  2. Mail check and pledge card to United Soccer Alliance of Indiana, PO Box 532472, Indianapolis, IN 46253.
  3. Direct your employer’s Campaign donation to USA of Indiana.  You may direct all or part of your donation to USA of Indiana by designating “United Soccer Alliance of Indiana” or “PIKE YOUTH SOCCER CLUB #8462″ on your pledge or donor card.
  4. United Soccer Alliance Guidestar Report

Employer & Work Place Campaigns Donation

If you complete a pledge forms, e-pledge, or donor card at work: you may direct all or part of your donation to United Soccer Alliance of Indiana by designating “United Soccer Alliance of Indiana” on the donor or pledge card. You do not need the “number” as such numbers often change and your company may have an unique number. Please check if your employer will match your contribution to the company Campaign. If so, please make arrangements with your HR department or contact your Campaign coordinator. Companies with workplace campaigns typically ask their employees to contribute through pledge forms or e-pledge so that each employee’s contribution counts with their company campaign. All money donated to United Soccer Alliance of Indiana via employer campaigns goes to player scholarships or field development, unless otherwise designated by donor.

United Soccer Alliance of Indiana, Inc., is a 501(c)3 not for profit. Your contribution is tax deductible.

Click here for copy of United Soccer Alliance of Indiana w-9

USA of Indiana Annual and Capital Campaign

Annual Campaign to members helps defray operating costs, helping keep parent paid fees reasonable. Donations are requested for USA of Indiana Tuition Assistance Fund to assure no child is denied playing USA of Indiana due to family need.

Capital Campaign goal is $2,000,000. in donations of cash and in kind goods and services toward construction of Mary & John Geisse Soccer Complex, Eagle Creek Park. ”Community support will be essential in the growth and success of the Mary & John Geisse Soccer Complex as not only a community recreational park, but also a Northwest side community jewel for future generations.”
Director Indy Parks

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