Club Policies
United Soccer Alliance of Indiana Board Selected policy & standard operating procedures.
Code of Conduct: The Codes of Conduct are intended to serve as guidelines for USA of Indiana teams. They will continue to evolve as USA of Indiana evaluates and strengthens its entire program.
General Information
Parent, Player, Coach, Manager Handbook; Board Policy, and Selected Standard Operating Procedures.
Emergency & Risk Management And please see Risk Management page
Lightning Procedure: 20 minutes after last flash or when Center Ref approves.
Codes of Conduct for Coaches, Players, and Parents
Board Job Descriptions USA of Indiana Board members are parent volunteers like you.
President, Operations Responsibilities.
Parent Pledge & Code of Conduct
Rate Card for Marketing & Sponsorships Your help is needed.
USA of Indiana Continuing Coaching Education Tuition Policy, see below.
As one would expect at a Club that Teaches More Than Just The Game.
Abuse of any kind is not permitted within USA of Indiana. We do not tolerate physical, sexual, emotional or verbal abuse or misconduct from any player, coach, official, volunteer, parent or spectator.
Physical and sexual abuse, including, but not limited to, striking, hitting, kicking, biting, indecent or wanton gesturing, lewd remarks, indecent exposure, unwanted physical contact, any form of sexual contact or inappropriate touching, are strictly prohibited at USA of Indiana club and facilities.
Emotional abuse or verbal abuse is prohibited. These include, but not limited to, forms of abuse as yelling, insulting, threatening, mocking, demeaning behavior, or making abusive statements in regard to a person’s race, gender, religion, nationality, ethnicity, sex or age.
Additional Club Information
Maps and directions to fields on location page
Corporate By Laws United Soccer Alliance of Indiana, governing document for USA of Indiana, Brownsburg Junior Soccer League, Avon Soccer Association, Fusion Soccer Academy, Indy Burn, and Pike Youth Soccer Club, Inc.
History Pike Soccer Club
Founded Fall 1979
Pike Soccer Club Copyright Notice
Pike Soccer Club Privacy Policy
Pike Soccer Club Conflict of Interest Statement
USA of Indiana KidSafe Policy - see below.
Selected policies
United Soccer Alliance of Indiana Refund Policy
United Soccer Alliance of Indiana Rec & Rec Plus Registration Tuition.
There are no refunds. Exceptions are made for injuries before mid-season (i.e. 5/1 and 10/1) and when there is no roster spot for wait listed players. Often refunds are prorated. Refunds are charged an administrative fee of between 20%-50%. Due to time constraints, all refunds are made after the season.
USA of Indiana Discount Registration Limit
Only one discount can be applied to your registration. Example: both early bird & tuition assistance cannot be applied to a single rec registration.
USA of Indiana Travel Registration Tuition
Deposits are non refundable. Please refer to the current season Club Tuition structure on the USA of Indiana Travel page.
USA of Indiana Travel Injury Policy
Injury prior to August 1, full refund for Fall season less deposit.
Injury between August 1- September 15, 50% of tuition (less deposit) for Fall season.
After September 15, No refund.
Injury prior to March 1, full refund for Spring season less deposit.
Injury between March 1- April 15, 50% of tuition (less deposit) for Spring season.
After April 15, No refund.
Private Lesson Policy
Training only players are not allowed. Each player at each training session must already be registered for a USA of Indiana program for the current or upcoming season. Private lessons for non USA of Indiana members must take place on the coach’s own time (and not during the USA of Indiana Travel training session) and not at USA of Indiana Soccer Complexes. Private lessons for USA of Indiana members must first be approved in writing by USA of Indiana Soccer Director. (3/2009)
Guest Player Policy
USA of Indiana Travel teams are to make use of other USA of Indiana Travel players as guest players as a first option, using the Club Pass system. This policy helps comply with ISA Registration Rules and at the same helps promote players from within. A guest player, using another Club’s player pass, must first be approved in writing by USA of Indiana Soccer Director. USA of Indiana Travel players may not play as a guest for another Club; exceptions must first receive permission in writing from USA of Indiana Soccer Director. (3/2009)
Tournament Policies
Coaching Certification Policy
Each Coach and Assistant Coach must complete the USA of Indiana KidSafe Risk Management 101 Coaching Certification Course (February 9, 2004).
United Soccer Alliance of Indiana KidSafe Policy
Each Coach; Assistant Coach; Board member; and Board Committee member, including Team Managers and Commissioners, must agree to and provide information for an annual criminal back ground check. (February, 9, 2004)
Additional KidSafe policies
USA of Indiana Coaches must never be alone with one of the team’s players. The second to last player to be picked up must stay with the Coach until the last player is picked up. Coach must never leave the game or training area when there are remaining players to be picked up. (12/2002)
USA of Indiana Coaches are not to transport players to any location for any USA of Indiana activity unless it is carpool prearranged and authorized by the parent(s) involved, other than the coach’s own child. (9/17/09)
Recreation Uneven Matches
Although part of the fun for children is to score goals, there is no place for runaway games in recreational soccer. Any coach responsible for this will be referred to the Coaching Education staff for remedial training. August 11, 2003
Where does the money go?
Board Decisions include: Net proceeds in operating account is returned to parents with lower tuition. In addition, operating account has paid for tuition assistance for players in need since 1979.
Designated revenue streams include:
USAi Travel Double Roster Policy
USA of Indiana discourages a child playing on two USA OF INDIANA teams during the same season, yet does not prohibit it. Each child wishing to double roster must be approved by all coaches involved and USA OF INDIANA Soccer Director.
The primary player pays primary player tuition to primary team.
Secondary team tuition and team fees are determined by player status:
a.) Secondary Player is needed to keep team together and asked by a Coach, pay Club registration portion of tuition.* This rare situation is determined by USA of Indiana Soccer Director (not Coach or Manager).
b.) Secondary Players approaching Coach pay full Club tuition for both teams.*
2. Players affiliated with another Club are not allowed to double roster on USA of Indiana. USA of Indiana Travel team; exceptions
must first receive permission in writing from USA of Indiana Soccer Director.
*Plus Secondary Players pay share of participating tournaments for all four types of player situations.
In the case of a child wishing to play on both a USA of Indiana Rec or Rec Plus team and an USA of Indiana Travel travel team in the same season: USA OF INDIANA policy is the child is a “primary” player on the USA of Indiana Travel travel team. Due to the nature of time and financial commitment to a travel team, USA OF INDIANA does not allow a “primary” USA OF INDIANA Rec Plus player to be a “secondary” USA of Indiana Travel travel player. USA OF INDIANA does allow the player to be Primary USA of Indiana Travel and Secondary USA OF INDIANA Rec Plus. There is no “secondary” Rec Plus player tuition discount.
In the rare instance of a parent of a USA of Indiana Rec player requesting, and a Travel Coach wishing to roster, true “part time” travel team player status, this exception must first receive permission in writing from USA of Indiana Soccer Director. ISA still considers the player is “Primary” on the travel team and “Secondary” on the Rec Plus team. ISA prohibits a “Secondary” travel player without the companion “Primary” travel or Rec plus team; thus there can be no “primary” Rec and “secondary” travel ISA registration. July 8, 2002.
Who selected the coaches? Policy
All USA of Indiana coaches serve at the pleasure of the USA of Indiana Board of Directors. USA of Indiana coaches have changed from all parent volunteers to where Club has a mixture of member volunteers and paid coaches. In order to fulfill its mission, USA of Indiana has the following coach selection procedure in place.
The Soccer Director, with input from USA of Indiana Coaching Committee, has the responsibility for setting guidelines for coach recruitment and termination. They are to oversee coach recruitment and selection per the following guidelines:
Recreation Coaches Tots (U3-U4), U5 – U10
Commissioners Recreation are to assign Recreational Coaches with approval of the Recreation Coordinator. The Coaching Committee and Directors Coaching are available to assist on an “as requested” basis.
USA of Indiana Travel Coaches Youth U8 – U19
Primary recruitment, evaluation, and selection is to be completed by USA of Indiana Soccer Director, with contributions from the following:
USA of Indiana Directors of Coaching
USA of Indiana Travel Coaching staff
Coaching Committee
USA of Indiana Soccer Director forwards the coaching candidates to the USA of Indiana President for final review and approval. March 8, 2004.
Play Up in Age Policy
United Soccer Alliance of Indiana and USA of Indiana Travel youth teams will be made up of “true-age” players. United Soccer Alliance of Indiana and USA of Indiana Travel teams have the luxury of having sufficient numbers to create and maintain true age teams. Blended age teams are allowed and, indeed, encouraged, only when the number of players are such that without blending ages, players will be left behind. It is not the intent of United Soccer Alliance of Indiana nor USA of Indiana Travel to deny younger players with advanced skills the opportunity to play with older age players. Rather, the Club wants to ensure if a younger player is requesting to play up in age, he or she will be able to gain experience and adequate playing time to help enhance the player’s soccer skills.
Recreation Division
USA of Indiana Travel Division
Exceptions to true age policy:
a.) there is no true age team formed for an otherwise eligible player and if otherwise eligible by ISA & league rules. OR
b.) the coaches and Soccer Director determine and believe it is in the best interest of player to play up.
The above steps must occur each year the player is not playing at true age.
In many cases, these requests are time sensitive. Allowances for this chain of events must be given by player, parent and coaches to allow the above steps to take place. March 9, 2009
USAi Continuing Coaching Education Tuition Policy
“United Soccer Alliance of Indiana believes coaching education is a cornerstone to its commitment of providing the best possible environment for area youth and key to achieving its goal of fun, fair play, and player improvement.”
USA of Indiana offers at no charge to candidate a variety of coaching education.
At present (3/04), USA of Indiana and ISA offer a variety of low cost and free coaching education courses.
There are minimum coaching standards for travel leagues.It is expected USA of Indiana Travel coaches will attend coaching seminars and clinics and/or upgrade their licenses.
Tuition Policy
Coaches will continue to coach or otherwise serve the Club for a period of time after reimbursement for courses.
USA OF INDIANA will reimburse a coach attending and passing all sessions of:
*providing coach submits a paid receipt and a copy of the license/certificate to Director Coaching.
Additional Requirements for ADVANCED COURSES
Candidates must be pre-approved by Soccer Director and President and must agree to continue coaching USA of Indiana for up to 2 years.
I agree to take coaching course ____________ on or about___________.
The cost is ___________. USA OF INDIANA agrees to pay for the course with the following provisions:
1. Coaching candidate pays for course and USA OF INDIANA will reimburse $______ (usually 50%) upon successful completion and after submitting a copy of the license to Director Coaching.
2. After coaching ____ additional seasons, USA OF INDIANA will reimburse $________ (usually 50%).
There may be additional requirements for courses pre-paid by USA of Indiana, for example continue to coach for ____ more seasons.
March 8, 2004
Returned Check policy, March 8, 2004
Occasionally a member's check or banking cards have insufficient funds or are returned for another reason. When this happens the Club is charged by its bank and its software vendor. In additional to paying the original amount still due, we must pass on to our member/tournament customer a bit of our additional expenses of $50. If we are charged more than the member customer must reimburse the Club for that amount.
Coaches Travel Expenses
Reimbursement of any overnight tournament related fees is limited to the Team parents paying for the coach’s hotel room accommodation when staying at the same hotel as most of the team and for the same number of nights as most of the team. There established guidelines with regard to the reimbursement of the coaches’ travel expenses in the coaches’ contract and the Travel Manual. They should only be collected when incurred.
“Coach Travel Expenses” is meant to offset a portion of an out of town tournament expense. It is NOT meant to be paid to, nor collected from parents for in or out of town mileage or anything else. The coach’s stipend covers everything else. Teams are not to collect additional money for coach unless it is approved by the USA of Indiana Travel Coordinator prior to the event. The request must include the reason and amount. Premier team coaches may incur greater travel expenses that are reimbursed by the Team. March 8, 2004
USA of Indiana Travel Uniforms
All uniform sales are final. In the event that there is an error by supplier a replacement may be made by the supplier.
USA of Indiana Camps and special USA of Indiana Travel programs
Please refer to the specific program registration page found on the for the refund policy. Typically all registration fees are final and no refunds will be given. In the event of inclement weather often the specific days will be rescheduled.
USA of Indiana Hosted Tournaments
Please refer to the specific registration rules found on each tournament website for the refund policy.
USA of Indiana Travel Commitment Policy
As each USA of Indiana Travel player registers, he/she agrees to the Indiana Soccer Association’s policy and United Soccer Alliance of Indiana USA of Indiana Travel policy as stated on the registration form: “I understand that if I am offered a spot on a team and I accept the spot (by signing a commitment form or paying a deposit), I have committed to play USA of Indiana Travel for the August 1 – July 31 soccer year.” (January, 2008)
USA of Indiana Use of Trademark
No unauthorized person or entity may use any of the Club's trademarks without written authorization. This includes using it marks on clothing. The Club routinely licenses its spirit wear vendors and tournament apparel vendors to use and resell its logo, trademarks, or artwork.
Risk Management aspect of trademark. When USA of Indiana members register or join a team not sponsored by USA of Indiana (often "indoor" teams at the Y or Sportzone or futsal teams/leagues), members MAY NOT use any portion of the USA of Indiana name or uniform or trademark. This is a liability issue for player, parent, and Club. Any activity not is not sanctioned by USA of Indiana, Indiana Soccer association, US Youth, or US Soccer is NOT insured by the Club's liability insurance. We do not prohibit players from participating in other activities, of course; indeed players are encouraged to play futsal and indoor soccer. However, if it is not a USA of Indiana or US Youth Soccer sanctioned activity, then one's Indiana Soccer member benefits do not apply.
USA of Indiana member players participating in ANY non-sanctioned activity, MAY NOT wear the USA of Indiana brand at all. It exposes your Club and Board of Directors to unnecessary risk. The perception could be that USA of Indiana has approved the participation. If a USA of Indiana players, parent, coach causes something egregious to happen, lawyers will likely sue every brand they can attach to an incident.
Thus players or parents who organize a team in a non-sanctioned activity, they should get/wear NON-USA of Indiana gear and call themselves something different. It is best if the group makes/buys its own t shirts with its own name. Parents: please understand such events are not covered under their USA of Indiana / Indiana Soccer / US Youth Soccer member benefits.
PO Box 532472 | Indianapolis, Indiana 46253 | (317) 767-0699
Board Members
Board members are elected to two year terms by the current Board each January at the “Annual Meeting of Voting Members” (Board members) or during the year to fill vacancies. The terms are staggered, thus roughly half the Board members are elected each year and the others are half way through a two year term. Officers (Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary) are elected to one year office terms by the newly seated Board at the “Annual Meeting of Board of Directors” (which immediately follows the first meeting). The remaining Directors are assigned as Chairpersons of various Committees by the newly elected Chairman.
Board Meetings
© USA of Indiana