Our Mission
The Community Through Youth Sport Foundation’s mission is to improve the greater Indianapolis community through youth sport and develop fine young men and women. Improving the greater Indianapolis community through childhood development. Developing fine young men and women, one child at a time.
1. Community Through Youth Sport Foundation supports the development of Mary & John Geisse Soccer Complex, Eagle Creek Park.
2. Community Through Youth Sport Foundation runs “USA of Indiana Have A Ball” programming including “USA of Indiana Have A Ball Special Needs Soccer” programming and “USA of Indiana’s Have A Ball-School” mobile fine and gross motor development fitness in each school’s physical education class and during school wide events.
3. USA of Indiana’s Board of Advisors: a group of concerned citizens working with Indianapolis government, Indy Parks, foundations, companies and corporations, in the ongoing effort to raise money and in kind donations to further the work of the Community Through Youth Sport Foundation.
"Maria knows how life-changing soccer can be. You can ask her, or any of her four siblings. "Having something to do after school can keep you off the street. It can keep you away from drugs...from gangs. Having that place to go brings positivity into sometimes a not-so-positive lifestyle."
Maria's siblings all participate in soccer. While here, the siblings get to hang out together, play soccer, and learn valuable skills that help them both on the field and in their daily lives. "Soccer isn't just soccer," Maria adds. "It teaches nutrition and how to maintain a healthy lifestyle." These everyday changes as a child can lead to lifelong benefits as an adult. Maria's 12 year-old brother, sees the value of Soccer. "It taught me to become a better person in general."
© USA of Indiana