Contact Us

Contact Staff, Board Members, and Committee Members

Each area of the Club ALWAYS needs additional parents to help. Visit Volunteer Page to start.

Please review the website and emails and then if we can help you:

Recreation 2-20 years Program:

Travel Competitive Club Teams:


Tournament Director:

General Information:

To be added to email list click here.


Best ways to contact us:

  1. Register your player online with a valid email address.
  2. Text / Call and a leave message on USA of Indiana Hotline: 317-767-0699
  3. Send an email with name of player, player birth date, phone number, and your specific question. Do not email multiple people as this will slow our response to you.

PO Box:

United Soccer of Alliance of Indiana

PO Box 532472

Indianapolis, IN 46253

USA of Indiana Management

Executive and Administrative Staff:

USA of Indiana President: Thomas Geisse

USA of Indiana Managing Director: Matt Schlake

USA of Indiana Operation Manager: Martin Guise

USA of Indiana Administrators: Pam Suchecki, Carol Banta, Kristin Janeczek

USA of Indiana Board of Directors:

Chairman of the Board: Rodney Shine

Vice Chairman: Rob Jordan

Treasurer: Cary Wagner

Secretary: Darren Pearson

Director: Jasmin Bankhead

Director: Sally Leyes

Director: Warner Moses

Director: Bilen Mulugeta

Director: Jon Sturgill

President: Thomas Geisse

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