Under the SafeSport Code:

Sexual contact, intercourse, or exploitation involving an adult and a minor is sexual misconduct, regardless of any purported consent:

  • Sexual contact or intercourse between an adult and minor [where the age difference is three or more years and no power imbalance exists]
  • Example: Sexual contact or intercourse between a 21-year-old athlete and a 17-year-old athlete would be considered sexual misconduct.
  • Intimate relationships between an adult and a minor [where the age difference is three or more years] and a power imbalance exists
  • Example: Sexual conduct between a 20- year-old assistant coach and a 17-year-old athlete would be considered sexual misconduct (unless and until the minor reaches the age of 20 and the coach/athlete relationship has terminated).
  • Child sexual abuse, as defined by state/provincial/territorial laws and federal law

USA of Indiana Weather Policy, Wind Chill, Heat Index

HOT Weather policy by Indiana Soccer Association

Used by USA of Indiana effective 4/1/2021
Each is Heat Index/Wind Chill temp.

Under 90 degrees water breaks each 30 minutes with 10 minute breaks. monitor athletes for necessary action.
90 to 94 degrees water breaks each 30 minutes with 10 minute breaks, monitor athletes for heat distress, water breaks each quarter.
95 to 99 degrees mandatory water breaks each 30 minutes with 10 minute breaks, monitor athletes, Recheck index each 30 minutes. Reduce length of training sessions and game halves.
100 to 103 degrees mandatory water breaks each 20 minutes with 10 minute breaks, recheck index each 30 minutes, Games: mandatory water breaks more frequently when ball is out of play. Water athletes carefully for heat distress. Reduce length of training sessions and game halves.

104 degrees and warmer: STOP OUTDOOR ACTIVITY.

COLD Weather policy by Indiana Soccer Association

Used by USA of Indiana effective 4/1/2021
Each temperature is WIND CHILL feels like degree.

39 to 20 degrees: dress in layers

19 to 10 degrees shorten games by 5 minutes per half.

9 to -10 degrees consider postponing, shorten games by 5 minutes per half.

-11 degrees and lower NO outside activity.

Check weather site for WIND CHILL and HEAT INDEX “feels like” information.  Even wind as low as 8 mph can make a sunny 40 feel like 35 and cause training to be canceled.

Concussion Management and Testing

Any athlete with a suspected concussion should be IMMEDIATELY REMOVED FROM PLAY, urgently assessed medically, should not be left alone, and closely monitored on the sideline for any worsening of signs or symptoms.  Any athlete who is suspected of sustaining a concussion or head injury in a practice or game shall be removed from play at the time of the injury; and may not return to play until the athlete has received a written clearance by a medical professional.Each USA of Indiana travel coach must take the CDC’s free, online CONCUSSION course.  (Sign onto your Coach GotSoccer account prior to taking test.) 

‍Heads Up: Concussion in Youth Sports is a free, online course available to coaches, parents, and others helping to keep athletes safe from concussion. It features interviews with leading experts, dynamic graphics and interactive exercises, and compelling storytelling to help you recognize a concussion and know how to respond if you think that your athlete might have a concussion.

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