Roots &   Remembrances


The tens of thousands of children and parents of Pike Youth Soccer Club, since 1979, thank the many volunteers and Board members over the years.  A great deal of gratitude and praise to Club’s Chairmen of the Board of Directors.

Rodney Shine, 2021-

Bill Walters, 2013-2021

Steve Moore, 2009-2013

Jim Dimos, 2006-2009 (Requiescat in pace)

Bill Walters, 2005-2006

Thomas Geisse, 2002-2005  (Board Member 1999-present)

Mike Batic, 1997-2002 (Requiescat in pace)

Ron Morris, 1996-1997

Dan Valenti, 1994-1996

Donna Jung, 1990-1994 (Requiescat in pace)

Rick Robinson, 1986-1990

Dave Orlando, 1985-1986

Chris Carisch, 1983-1985

Mervyn Cohen,  1981-1983

Don Frye, 1979-1981, Founder Fall Pike Youth Soccer Club 1979 and 25 year volunteer 1979-2004


William Christian Brocious  1999-2019

Megan Blose March  1985-2019

David Andrés Jaramillo  1998-2014

Haris Suleman 1996-2014

Daryn Rae Barnett 1993-2011

Joseph Edward Mulholland, III  1997-2007

Sarah M. Mattice 1995-2005

Ryan S. Estes 1999-2004

Kirk F. Gillam III 1992-2003

Payton A. Leyden 1987-2001


Greg Hylton  2009-2020 (Former Board Member, USA of Indiana)

James Dimos, 1959-2020, (Former President Pike Youth Soccer Club, Indy Burn)

Mike Batic, 1954-2016 (Former President Pike Youth Soccer Club)

Donna Jung, 1961-2013 (Former President of Pike Youth Soccer Club)

Roy Polhill, 1944-2010 (Former Director of Coaching of Avon Soccer Association & Fusion Soccer Academy)

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