USA of Indiana Recreational Soccer league is for boys and girls from 18 months to 20 years old who are seeking a developmentally-appropriate soccer experience. New or developing Rec League players learn basic soccer skills, teamwork, and sportsmanship. Fun and soccer skill development are the goals.
Participants can either play in the Pike program or Hendricks program.
Spring season is during April, May, and early June. Fall season is during September and October. Each season includes 8 games played on 6 weekends and 2 week nights, plus several coach led training sessions.
Each player plays a minimum of one half of each game. Scores, team and league standings are not kept, and all players receive a participation trophy or medal at the end of each season.
All coaches and volunteers complete a criminal background check and coaches complete a coaching certification course.
Click here for an
Age Chart for all USAI, Travel, Rec & Tots.
Click the red "Register Here" button at the top or bottom of this page to sign up & complete registration.
During registration, there is a question to Volunteer, select Yes to volunteer, & select Head Coach.
Practice schedules are distributed & posted to the team's PlayMetrics calendar prior to the start of the season. Here is what you can expect:
TOTs: No weekdays scheduled, Game Day Activities only.
U6 - U10: 1 practice per week, 1 hour long.
U12 - U19: 2 practices per week, 1 hour each.
Pike-based team practices take place at Mary & John Geisse Soccer Complex, 7225 West 56th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46254
Hendricks-based team practices take place at:
Game Schedules for the entire season are distributed & posted to the team's PlayMetrics calendar.
Pike based teams games are played at Mary & John Geisse Soccer Complex, 7225 West 56th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46254
Hendricks based teams games are played at
USAI Avon Soccer Complex - 6050 E County Road 91N, Avon, IN 46123
Uniform Cost & Ordering
Uniforms cost $25 for jersey and black socks. Uniform charges apply only to those players who need a new Club jersey.
Uniforms are ordered/paid for during the registration process or at Rec Academy Nights.
The team listed first is the AWAY team and wears the RED jersey
The team listed second is the HOME team and wears the BLUE jersey
Soccer ball
Shin Guards
Shoes - cleats are not required
How to view your child's team:
How to get your schedule:
How to get view your child's team:
How to get your Schedule:
• Log into PlayMetrics App
• Your Calendar is displayed
• Your Game and Practice schedule appear on this Page
Text or Call 317-767-0699
US Youth Soccer, Indiana Soccer Association, and USA of Indiana believe Rec Soccer players learn best and have more fun playing small-sided game formats.
It is widely accepted young players need to develop techniques before being taught tactics. The best way to teach soccer skills and techniques is having children play soccer!
See the full USA of Indiana Recreational League Rules Play here.
View Weekly Lesson Plans or Log into PlayMetrics and click "Club Resources" to access & view age specific coaching manuals & weekly practice plans.
Sam Snow, U.S. Youth Soccer Coaching Director, had the following interaction with a coach in Florida not long ago: "Sam, can you send me some good articles or a comment on why we should play without goalies at U-8? I am trying to influence a club to change to this format." The U-8 age group is still in an egocentric phase of psychological development, which tells us that we should allow these children to run and chase the ball, to be in the game – not waiting at the end of the field for the game to come to them. It is more important at this age that they chase the game. Children this age want to play with the toy (the ball) and they need to go to where the toy is to be fully engaged.
© Baby Blues Partnership. Reprinted with special permission of King Features Syndicate.
"Baby Blues cartoons posted by permission of Jerry Scott and Rick Kirkman, fellow soccer dads, coaches and snackmeisters.""Best-Jerry Scott, Baby Blues."
Reprinted with permission from the creators. "Thanks and best of luck!" Hector and Carlos.
"Speed Bump" cartoon posted by permission of Dave Coverly and Creators Syndicate, Inc. Thank you Dave, fellow soccer Dad.
© USA of Indiana