Winter Skills Soccer Camp

February 17, 2025
March 16, 2025
Join us for In Person Registration for Spring Community Recreational Soccer with USA of Indiana.
March 7, 2025
Become a Junior Referee for USA of Indiana
March 5, 2025
USA of Indiana 20% OFF - APPRECIATION WEEKEND April 4 – 7, 2025 VALID STORE LOCATIONS: TRADERS POINT, AVON, WHITESTOWN AND ALL INDIANAPOLIS STORE LOCATIONS. *Offer not accepted at DICK’S Warehouse Sale or Going, Going, Gone! Locations. Save the date! Our partner, DICK’S Sporting Goods, is offering you a 20% off discount throughout the store to help you gear up for the season! Be sure to use the coupon linked below, as this is specific to our organization. The coupon is valid in-store on the dates listed and must be shown at the register during checkout.
March 4, 2025
Coach McGrath's Summer Camps at Brownsburg High School
March 3, 2025
Click the graphic or visit to register.
February 24, 2025
Courtesy of Our Sponsor, Dick's Sporting Goods
February 21, 2025
Español disponible a continuación. USA of Indiana hosted Butler University Men's Soccer Head Coach Paul Snape, Marian University Women's Soccer Developmental Team Head Coach Doug Starnes, USA of Indiana Travel Coach Sean McGrath, and USA of Indiana's Director of Coaching and Academy Director, Coach Isang Jacob at Pike High School for College Information Night. These coaches shared insights for athletes interested in playing collegiately and discussed college preparedness, the recruitment process, and level of play. Here are just a few of the highlights from this panel discussion: Start Early. Your academics, attitude, and habits are being built right now. Look at how well these areas are representing you and make changes where needed. Communicate. Talk to your parents, coaches, teachers and mentors about your plans. Ask them what you can do to grow further. Keep an Open Mind. The world of college athletics is changing. Consider which paths might be best for you, and don’t discount an option just because it isn’t what you thought you’d do. Get Noticed. Lead with respect, honor, and character - you are your best representative. Reach out to coaches and concisely tell them why you are a good fit for their school and program. Attend camps and clinics with universities you're interested in. Linked is a flyer on NCAA Eligibility, and how to start your plan for college play: For more information on college athletics, you can begin here . Feel free to reach out to USA of Indiana staff and coaches if you have any questions. --- USA of Indiana recibió al Entrenador Principal de Fútbol Masculino de la Universidad Butler, Paul Snape, al Entrenador Principal del Equipo de Desarrollo de Fútbol Femenino de la Universidad Marian, Doug Starnes, al Entrenador de USA of Indiana, Sean McGrath, y al Director de Entrenamiento y Director de la Academia de USA of Indiana, el Entrenador Isang Jacob, en la escuela secundaria Pike para una Noche de Información Universitaria. Estos entrenadores compartieron ideas para los atletas interesados ​​en jugar a nivel universitario y hablaron sobre la preparación universitaria, el proceso de reclutamiento y el nivel de juego. Estos son solo algunos de los puntos destacados de este panel de discusión: Comience temprano. Sus estudios, actitud y hábitos se están construyendo ahora mismo. Observe qué tan bien lo representan estas áreas y haga cambios donde sea necesario. Comuníquese. Hable con sus padres, entrenadores, maestros y mentores sobre sus planes. Pregúnteles qué puede hacer para crecer más. Mantenga la mente abierta. El mundo del atletismo universitario está cambiando. Considere qué caminos podrían ser mejores para usted y no descarte una opción solo porque no es lo que pensó que haría. Hágase Notar. Lidera con respeto, honor y carácter: tú eres tu mejor representante. Ponte en contacto con los entrenadores y diles de forma concisa por qué eres una buena opción para su escuela y programa. Asiste a campamentos y clínicas con universidades que te interesen. A continuación, encontrarás un folleto sobre la elegibilidad de la NCAA que describe cómo comenzar un plan para jugar en la universidad: Para obtener más información sobre deportes universitarios, puedes comenzar aquí . No dudes en comunicarte con el personal y los entrenadores de USA of Indiana si tienes alguna pregunta.
February 18, 2025
February 3, 2025
USAI Travel Goalkeeper Training USAI Travel Goalkeeper Training every Saturday through March 31, 2025 on Field 4 North at the Mary and John Geisse Soccer Complex. 9:30 - 10:30 AM — U10 - U14 10:30 - 11:30 AM — U15 - U19 Address: 5425 Reed Road, Indianapolis, IN 46254 For a map of our fields, click here . ----- Entrenamiento de Portero para USAI Travel Entrenamiento de portero para USAI Travel todos los sábados hasta el 31 de marzo de 2025 en Field 4 North al Mary and John Geisse Soccer Complex. 9:30 - 10:30 AM — U10 - U14 10:30 - 11:30 AM — U15 - U19 Dirección: 5425 Reed Road, Indianapolis, IN 46254 Para ver un mapa de nuestros campos, haz clic aquí .
January 31, 2025
Gaddis, Hedges and Kitchen Inducted to Indiana Soccer Hall of Fame, Joining Lindsey, Jordan, Jacob in USAI History
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