Recreation Coaching Information
U03 & U04 Soccer Tots: A parent and me program with game-like activities and no formal games.
U05 & U06: Dual team/dual field, each team plays two 3v3 games at the same time on adjacent fields with only players/coaches in middle. OK to play 2v2 but not OK to play 4v4.
U07 & U08: Dual team/dual field, each team plays two 4v4 games at the same time on adjacent fields with only players/coaches in middle. OK to play 3v3 but not OK to play 5v5.
U09 & U10: Teams play 7v7 including a GK, OK to play 6v6 or 5v5 if still short on players after evenly dividing all players.
U11 & U12 & U13: Teams play 9v9 including a GK, OK to play 8v8 or 7v7 if still short on players after evenly dividing all players.
U13-U19: Soccer select teams play 11v11.
See the full USA of Indiana Recreational League Rules Play here.
"RECC Cards" info for coaches.
USA of Indiana Hendricks County Rec Team Training
Each coach to schedule the team’s regular weekly training at the Avon Soccer Complex or Brownsburg Soccer Complex for an hour between 5:30p-7:30pm. There will be USA of Indiana staff available to help with training sessions including Lead Coaches, USA of Indiana Travel Coaches. Teams are strongly encouraged to hold team training at either complex on these days.
USA of Indiana Pike Rec Team Training
Each coach to schedule the team’s regular weekly training at Mary & John Geisse Soccer Complex for an hour between 5:30p-7:30pm. There will be USA of Indiana staff available to help with training sessions including Lead Coaches, USA of Indiana Travel Coaches. Teams are strongly encouraged to hold team training at NWW on these days.
USA of Indiana REC ACADEMY for players and coaches, best in Central Indiana
Players wear uniform and break into teams with coach
Includes Model training session by Format of Play Group
Fusion USA of Indiana Rec Academy
"What's next?" Information
1.Get your roster (see below for instructions)
2. Check online roster daily for any changes, late registrations, player movement at least
through the second game.
3. Telephone each player asap and no later than Wednesday.
4. Invite okayers to both Academy sessions and include the dates/time/locations.
5. Coaches are expected at each Academy session since both are apart of coaching
6. Attend coaching training.
7. Every coach must take the one off Coaching Certification Course "Risk 101"
On Desktop
How to view your child's team:
How to get your Roster:
How to get your schedule:
On Mobile
How to get your schedule:
How to get your Roster:
How to see Team:
USA of Indiana Community Coaching Risk Management & Coaching Course Schedule
USA of Indiana Recreation League Rules of Play
Rec Coaching Guides & Lesson Plans
Why no Goalies
Sam Snow, U.S. Youth Soccer had the following interaction with a coach in Florida not long ago: Sam, can you send me some good articles or a comment on why we should play without goalies at U-8? I am trying to influence a club to change to this format. The U-8 age group is still in an egocentric phase of psychological development, which tells us that we should allow these children to run and chase the ball, to be in the game – not waiting at the end of the field for the game to come to them. It is more important at this age that they chase the game. Children this age want to play with the toy (the ball) and they need to go to where the toy is to be fully engaged. Click here to read entire article.
Concussion Resource: It's Better to Miss One Game Than the Whole Season
To help ensure the health and safety of young athletes, CDC published Heads Up: Concussion in Youth Sports information about concussions to coaches, parents, and athletes. Posted here is important information on preventing, recognizing, and responding to a concussion. If you think your athlete has sustained a concussion…don’t assess it yourself. Take him/her out of play, and seek the advice of a health care professional.
Coach clipboard document:
Yikes only 3 players showed up for practice! What do I do now?
Great training sessions when only 2, 3,4, 5 or 6 players show up for training session.
USA of Indiana's "Rec Mentor Matches" When professional coaches mentor players and coaches during a rec game.
Video on the Youth Soccer Coach:
NSCAA Video “The Youth Soccer Coach” written by Mike Berticelli"
Recreation Coach Manual
Great material for every youth Coach, includes child development, why children play sports, why children quit sports, training sessions.
Indiana Youth Soccer Recreation Coaching F Certificate Course
Click here to view F certificate course materials
USA of Indiana Community Recreation Tots, U5-U12 and USA of Indiana Rec Plus U13-U19 Coach Certificate Course
Click here to view USA of Indiana CCC course material
Rec Academy Information
Tutorial Videos For All Rec Coaches
USA of Indiana Fun Five Series
(Print and Play Lesson Plans)
Lesson Plans
Training Videos:
U7 and U8 Rec Academy Lesson Plans:
U9 and U10 Rec Academy Lesson Plans:
U11 and U12 Rec Academy Lesson Plans:
U13-U19 Rec Plus Academy Lesson Plans
Tots Lesson Plans
Tots U4 Training Sessions - 7 unique training sessions for the Tots coach.
U5 & U6 Lesson Plans
Principles of play
Lesson Plans (6 week program)
U7 & U8 Lesson Plans
Principles of play
Lesson Plans (6 week program)
U10 Lesson Plans
Principles of play & Lesson Plans
U12 Lesson Plans
© USA of Indiana